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New Chamber president makes rallying cry to business community

Kevin Rogers, chairman of law firm Wilson Browne Solicitors, has begun a three-year term as successor to Kevin Shapland.

He appealed to Northamptonshire businesses to work with the Chamber to keep the county’s economy thriving.

  • Pictured: Kevin Rogers.

“We are facing up to national issues, but also local ones that are equally as pressing: such as recruitment, skills training and inspiring the next generation of workers, entrepreneurs and business leaders,” Mr Rogers said.

“Our county is often quoted as having the highest number of entrepreneurs, and I encourage all businesses associated with, or based in, Northamptonshire to engage with their local Chamber.

“This is a membership organisation, run by and for the members, which can really benefit them.”

Mr Rogers is also an enterprise adviser with the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership and is a non-executive director on SEMLEP’s Northamptonshire Business Activity board.

Chamber chief executive Paul Griffiths welcomed Mr Rogers’ appointment. He said: “This year promises to be a very exciting time for our Chamber as we have just launched the inaugural Northamptonshire Business Awards and Next Generation Chamber for aspirational young business people.

“I am excited at the prospect of working alongside Kevin as we develop our multi award winning Chamber further so we can continue to give outstanding support to the Northamptonshire business community.”

Mr Rogers paid tribute to his predecessor Mr Shapland,  a former Metropolitan Police officer who set up events company CJS (UK Management) Ltd in 2002.

He said: “I am honoured to succeed Kevin Shapland in our 101st year, I hope to continue his work with the chief executive, driving the Chamber forward on a local and national scale.

“Kevin championed engagement, on-going excellence and modernisation, and it will be a hard act to follow.” 

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