The firm, based in Luton and Milton Keynes, is to help to create six hectares of new native broad leaf woodland by planting 6,000 trees such as oak, ash, hazel, field maple and cherry. The first F & R Cawley Tree planting day will be held at the Forest on February 15.
Managing director Jon Cawley said: “We were looking for a project that would reflect our passion, sense of responsibility and commitment to the environment; something that defines who F & R Cawley are, what we do, and have been doing for 60 years.”
The company aims to release money for the trees by encouraging its customers to commit to receiving its quarterly newsletter Waste Matters – of which it produces and distributes 6,000 copies per edition – by e-mail.
The Forest of Marston Vale covers more than 61 square miles of land between Bedford and M1 junction 13. It is the result of several years of work to repair decades of industrial use by improving the landscape and the environment and creating Bedford’s Green Gateway – more than 70 hectares of new woodland, part delivered through a mix of public and private funding.
Forest of Marston Vale business development manager Ian Foll said: “The future vision for the Forest is to recreate the mosaic of woodland, farmland and open spaces that once covered the area. The support and interest we are receiving is incredible.
“We are delighted that a reputable waste management company such as F & R Cawley have not only committed financial support but want to get their hands dirty at tree planting days as well.””
Training and development consultancy Emerald Acorn has extended its five-year partnership with the Forest of Marston Vale. To mark the occasion, managing director Phil Briggs was joined by his company’s staff, clients, friends and family to plant their 2,000th tree in the community forest.
The planting took place at Lidlington, where work is under way to create a new seven-acre community woodland on fields to the north-east of the village. It is the fourth new community woodland that the Emerald Acorn team have helped create since the partnership was forged in 2003.
Mr Briggs said: “”We wanted to support the fantastic work that the Forest team are undertaking and raising awareness with staff, customers, friends and suppliers through tree-planting events seemed like a logical extension of this support.
“”We hadn’t expected these events to take off in the way that they have – everyone involved really enjoys helping to create the forest and the enthusiasm and sense of accomplishment is wonderful.””