The charity provides a wide range of services to a growing number of older people, improving their quality of life, promoting independence and preventing frailty, poverty and isolation.
It is a member of the Age UK partnership but is a local independent charity set up for older people throughout Northamptonshire.
As Charity of the Year, Age UK Northamptonshire will receive complimentary membership of the Chamber’s Business Alliance Group to enable it to network with some of the county’s most influential companies and can attend Chamber events for free.
- Pictured: Age UK Northamptonshire chief executive Chris Duff.
The Business Alliance Group membership also means the charity’s logo will be featured on the Chamber’s website, company stationery and in various other Chamber publications.
Northamptonshire Chamber chief executive Paul Griffiths said: “We feel it is important to support county charities and to highlight the contribution they make to our community.
“We look forward to working with Age UK Northamptonshire and helping them to raise their profile and forge new connections with the business community.”
Age UK Northamptonshire chief executive Chris Duff added: “Age UK Northamptonshire has served the people of Northamptonshire for almost 60 years. We are delighted that the Northamptonshire Chamber of Commerce has given our work this prestigious accolade.
“It is also a fabulous opportunity to work with the Chamber of Commerce and its members who can help us to provide effective services for our clients.”