The studio was named Milton Keynes Business of the Year before returning to the stage to collect the overall winner’s award at the inaugural SME Buckinghamshire Business Awards.
The double success comes after Sweat Yoga & Pilates was named Small Business of the Year at the Milton Keynes Business Achievement Awards.
With 47 businesses making it through to the finals, the glitzy event at the DoubleTree by Hilton hotel at stadiummk, celebrated success across Buckinghamshire.
Awards organiser Damian Cummins said: “There is clearly an abundance of talent here in Bucks and it is only right and fitting that we celebrate these wonderful achievements.
“With all the doom and gloom around, it is these local entrepreneurs who really are keeping the economy going and while the big multi-national conglomerates dither on whether to stay or go, the winners here this evening will still be strutting their stuff in the years to come.”
Aylesbury Business of the Year Embrace HR
Apprentice of the Year Emily Graham (MK Snap )
Best E-Business Wealth & Tax Management
Best New Business Postie Mate
Buckingham Business of the Year Bucks Star Beer
Milton Keynes Business of the Year Sweat Studios
Business of the Year (greater than 50 employees) Roseview Windows
Community Business of the Year The Princes Centre
Employee of the Year Kim Challinor (The Princes Centre )
Enterprising Business Red Giraffe
Green Award Eco Design Consultants
Networking Group of the Year Fabulous Women & Marvellous Men
Service Excellence Spoilt Rotten Dog
Team Development Complete IT
Best Customer Service GlamouriZe
Young Business Person of the Year Susan Nash (Hill Farm and Orchard )
Employer of the Year CJ Coating
Pub of the Year The Bedford Arms Hotel
Restaurant of the Year The Grange