Speaking during Love Your Local Market fortnight, Cllr Edith Bald said she is determined to push for the standard rate parking and a high-profile marketing campaign to increase footfall, despite her party failing to take control of the council at May’s elections.
The Conservatives’ election campaign included promises of a campaign to attract visitors from across the region and to restore standard rate parking around the market. The pledge received support from market traders who have seen a significant drop in footfall since parking charges were increased.
Cllr Bald pictured said: “Sadly, as the Lib Dems have joined with Labour to keep us out we will not have the chance to follow this pledge through. However, I want to assure shoppers and market traders that I will do what I can to keep this on the agenda.
“Many people rely on the market for their day to day shopping, especially food and for the traders the market is their livelihood.”
Love Your Market fortnight started in 2012 amid growing concern for the future of the nation’s High Streets. The idea of a National Market fortnight was proposed alongside the government’s High Street Review.