We focus our activities in Bletchley, Wolverton and Woughton Parish [Netherfield, Beanhill and Coffee Hall] and also have a particular interest in working with women, younger people [18-30] and members of black and minority ethnic communities.
We work closely with other established business advice and support services such as Business Link and the Milton Keynes Chamber of Commerce Business Advice Service and with other partners including Milton Keynes Council, Women & Work and Milton Keynes College.
Our role is to add to the range of services that are available – not duplicate them.
In addition to general business advice we can support people in the development of their business idea, preparation of a business plan, identify possible training opportunities, support people though peer-to-peer networking.
The Gateway is currently working with close to 250 people who are at different stages. Some are exploring a number of alternative ideas; others have a specific idea that they are researching and evaluating and just over 30 have commenced trading.
To find out more about the Enterprise Gateway and how we might be able to support you in the development of your business idea contact us by phone – 01908 679859, e-mail – info@mkenterprisegateway.co.uk or visit our new website – www.mkenterprisegateway.co.uk.
123 Networking Group
THE ‘123 Networking Group’ for women business starters meets monthly – in the evening at the beginning of the month, for those with day time commitments and at lunchtime at the end of the month, for those with evening commitments.
It is very informal and welcoming and, in addition to general networking and a chance to talk to other women who are either starting up their own business or recently commenced trading, there is a short presentation from one of the members about her business and then a guest presenter covering topics such as business banking, public relations or pricing.
The next network meetings are: September 11 6pm-8pm and September 25 noon-2pm.
For more details and to book a place contact Tahnee Campbell on 01908 679859.
Meet the Team
THE Enterprise Gateway Team can be contacted by phone or e-mail. Meetings with people to explore their business ideas can take place either at the Gateway offices at The Farthing Enterprise Centre, Netherfield or at another suitable location. Although most meetings take place during the normal working day, evening and weekend meetings can be scheduled for people with other commitments.
The office phone number is: 01908 679859 and the general e-mail is: info@mkenterprisegateway.co.uk.
Paul Griffiths, project director – mobile 07776 235072 e-mail paul@mkenterprisegateway.co.uk
Ann Marie Conlon Taylor, outreach worker – mobile 07886 491071 e-mail annmarie@mkenterprisegateway.co.uk
Akin Priestley, consultant business adviser – mobile 07957 548711 e-mail akin@mkenterprisegateway.co.uk
Tahnee Campbell, Gateway co-ordinator – mobile 07769 972875 e-mail tahnee@mkenterprisegateway.co.uk
Training Workshops
The Gateway organises regular workshops for its members on a range of subjects. The next workshop on ‘Vision, Goal Setting & Planning Strategies for your Business’ will be running on September 22 10am-4pm and repeated on Monday 24th September.
For more information about this and other relevant business training programmes run by the Gateway and other organisations in Milton Keynes – contact Tahnee Campbell on 01908 679859.
If you are an organisation running business training programmes in Milton Keynes and could make places available free or at a reduced costs to Gateway members we would be pleased to hear from you. Please contact Paul Griffiths on 01908 679859.