Rita Spada has outlined her vision for the future both of the Chamber and the city, calling for all businesses, from the smallest to the largest multi-national, to work together and lead Milton Keynes to capitalise on its position at the forefront of the knowledge economy.
She said: “Growth is at the heart of everything. I see the incredible value that Milton Keynes has and it can add so much more by growing its international component.”
She is looking to create a forum whereby the larger international companies based in Milton Keynes become more involved in the city. “There is a huge opportunity to engage them more. We need to create a theme that brings them all together.”
The new chief executive also outlined her plans to develop intellectual capital, skills, enterprise and forge closer links with schools and would-be young entrepreneurs through the Young Chamber.
She also pledged that the Chamber would increase its lobbying voice as the representative of business. “We will be looking to reinforce our position as the voice of local business and ensure that enterprise is placed at the heart of the debate within the growth of Milton Keynes.”
Rita has worked in Milton Keynes for the last seven years and brings a wealth of financial and commercial business experience. She has taken up the role of interim chief executive after her predecessor Sean Hickey announced that he was to move on after ten years with the Chamber.
Chamber president Peter Muir said: “Sean made it clear to me some time ago that he was looking to move on. Since that discussion, the board has been working hard to ensure a smooth transition to ensure a continuous seamless service to members. I would like to thank Sean for his efforts over the years and wish him every success in the future.
“We are now well advanced in developing exciting strategies for the Chamber and the board is thrilled to have secured the services of Rita to drive these changes forward.”
Mr Hickey said: “I have very much enjoyed my time at the Chamber but it’s now or never in relation to developing some personal plans for the future.”