The planned centre would bring up to 3,000 jobs to the city. Its design follows a series of public exhibitions held by Network Rail across the city, where almost 1,900 residents gave their views on the project.
Network Rail chief executive Ian Coucher said: “Network Rail has worked closely with Milton Keynes Council and Milton Keynes Partnership to develop our design and we are pleased with the result. We recognise the importance of urban planning to the history of Milton Keynes and the way the city has been designed. We want our building to be one of which both the city and Network Rail can be proud.”
The application will go before Milton Keynes Council’s planning committee. If they grant planning permission, Network Rail’s new national centre is scheduled to open in 2012.
Milton Keynes Partnership chief executive John Lewis said: “Network Rail is already working in Milton Keynes and will have a growing presence in the city with plans to recruit some staff locally. The decision to locate Network Rail’s national centre here is a tremendous coup for Milton Keynes and further cements the city’s position as a great place to do business.”