Property landlords and investors will be gathering at stadiummk on Friday (February 10) to find the latest information if they are aspiring to either own property or to grow and develop their portfolio.
Property firm Inspired Sales & Lettings is headline sponsor of the summir. Managing director Neil Briggs said: “Property specialists often talk about location, location, location as being important but it is much more nuanced than that.
“Being close to a fantastic primary school can boost property prices dramatically whereas being close to a large secondary school will not have that same impact.
“For example, being in the catchment area of St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School in Bletchley puts a massive 12.4% premium on prices in the area.
“The 250-metre zone around St Thomas Aquinas had an average sold property price of £300,000 in August 2016, whereas 5km away the average sold property price was £262,900. That is a huge premium.”
The Landlord and Investor Summit is supported by organisations including Royal Bank of Scotland, Whitebox Property Solutions, LNPG, Carey Pensions, The Mortgage Store, Mortimers, Property Repossessions Spain, Optima Boilers, SAVA School of Surveying, ISIS Relocation and Wilson Brown Solicitors.
There will also be a business expo featuring property-related businesses, including IKEA, and seminars on subjects including:
- How we built a multi-million pound property business within 24 months, delivered by Whitebox PS;
- Maximise your pension fund, led by Carey Pensions;
- How to save thousands on building and interior supplie, presented by LNPG.
Victoria Beale, co-founder of the Landlord Summit, said: “Anyone who wants to know more about property in Milton Keynes should seriously consider attending this event. Knowledge is power, after all.”
For ticket details visit