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Charity of the year welcomes businesses to its new HQ

The event takes place on January 28 and there is an open invitation to the business community to drop in to find out more about the charity’s work.

Chief executive Sue Farrington Smith (pictured) founded the charity Ali’s Dream in 2001, along with family and friends, having lost her niece Alison Phelan just three weeks before her eighth birthday to a brain tumour. 

Along with other UK brain tumour charities Sue went on to launch Brain Tumour Research in 2009. Her vision was to find a cure for brain tumours which kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer. 

Since then the charity has grown rapidly with incredible support from businesses and individuals across the length and breadth of the UK. 

This has enabled a network of four dedicated research centres to be established, each supported by £1million of funding. These Centres of Excellence are at the University of Portsmouth, Plymouth University, Queen Mary University of London and Imperial College.

Mrs Farrington Smith said: “Brain tumours have such a profound effect on families with parents losing children and young children losing parents, often well before their time. 

“There is no cure for this type of cancer, yet just 1% of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to this devastating disease. 

"We think this is unacceptable and that is why we are striving to fund a network of seven dedicated research centres, while challenging the government and larger cancer charities to invest more in brain tumour research.”

Brain Tumour Research’s doors will be open between noon and 6pm, with a finger buffet provided. It has been chosen as Milton Keynes Chamber of Commerce’s charity of the year for 2016.

If you would like to attend, please e-mail sharon@braintumourresearch.org

An e-petition calling for more funding for research into brain tumours has already received more than 47,000 signatures. Brain Tumour Research needs 100,000 signatures by February 3 for the issue of lack of funding for brain tumour research to be considered for debate by Parliament. 

To add your signature, visit https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/105560.  

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