The BrightSparc Awards aim to recognise technological innovation across all sectors – from digital to manufacturing- and showcase how that leads to growth.
Fredi Nonyelu pictured, the chairman of the regional technology forum Biztech which is organising the awards, said: “We are thrilled with the experience and skills of the judging panel this year, and look forward to showcasing how the finalists have used technology to create exciting new business ideas.
“The Biztech BrightSparc Awards recognise and celebrate the fact that technology and innovation are crucial to the success of the Milton Keynes and SEMLEP region.”
The judges are:
- Milton Keynes councillor, David Hopkins
- Richard Kellett-Clarke, non-executive director, Idox plc
- Elizabeth Sheldon, chairman, Evidence Talks
- Nick Lancaster, director, innovation and enterprise at the University Of Bedfordshire
- Enrico Daga, senior project officer at the Open University’s Knowledge Media Institute
- Silvia Vitiello, Partner, Kingston Smith
Find out more information on the BrightSparc Awards and enter on the website here: