The Department of Critical Care will use the grant to purchase an intensive care chair to help with the recovery of critically ill patients.
Chief executive Peter Marks said: “We have our headquarters in Milton Keynes and we believe in supporting our local community. We made the donation from our Echo Trust charity to the hospital because its services are so important. In fact one of our colleagues owes her life to the care she received there.”
Sara Dignam, a fixed asset accountant with Deltic Group, was treated for meningitis in the Critical Care Department in 1991 and made a full recovery.
She said: “I am delighted we can give this support. A big thank-you goes to all our customers who give so generously and to our staff who collect the money at our venues; without their generosity the Echo Trust would not be in a position to help charities across the UK.”
Advanced nurse practitioner Jane Adderley, advanced nurse practitioner, said: “We are exceptionally grateful to Deltic Group and the Echo Trust and to Sara who nominated us for this generous donation.
"The intensive care chair will optimise the rehabilitation of our critically ill patients and make a difference to people at such a vulnerable time in their life.”
Deltic operates 58 bars and clubs across the UK employing more than 2,000 people. It set up the Echo Trust in 2002 and has raised more than £2.5 million. Money is distributed to causes that are important to its customers.
Pictured (from left) Russell Margerrison, Sara Dignam and Peter Marks, of The Deltic Group; Hospital staff Ann Williams, senior sister; sister Elaine Hart (sister); physiotherapist Carla Shaw ; consultant intensivist Joy Halliday; advanced nurse practitioner Jane Adderley.