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Keep your workforce engaged during lockdown

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by BETHAN GILL People Advisory Associate Director, Grant Thornton

DURING this unprecedented time, it is understandable that people are both anxious and uncertain. That’s why it is vital that every business leader provides strong leadership and clear direction in the face of adversity.

Keeping your people safe, motivated and enabled to do their jobs will be a challenge and there are some complex and emotive issues to consider that can’t be taken lightly or without due diligence.

Bethan Gill

Engaging your people is crucial to keeping them enthused about their work and reassured of their roles. For some businesses, new customer and client demands could mean additional capacity demands in some areas, as well as a change in required skill set.

Supporting your people during these tricky times will also be a challenge, especially for HR teams. Employees will want to understand their rights, obligations and benefit entitlements, as well as trying to adapt their working arrangements to meet new demands.

Some employees currently on international secondments may also wish to return to their home countries or need additional support, which could present a range of unexpected logistical and tax issues. 

Constantly reviewing the immediate impacts of the situation is essential. Any business updates should be communicated to your employees to help them understand the current situation, how it could affect them and what support is available. 

This information should also be used to adapt your short-term business plans accordingly, including capacity and capabilities,scenario planning and immediate strategic requirements. To manage any changes and to minimise your employees’ uncertainty, engagement plans and accompanying support functions within the business could be invaluable. 

Focus on protecting both your people and your business through training and succession planning and explore all the options around reduction, retention and flexibility of your workforce.

“Better times are ahead…”

When this situation is over, you will have a wealth of experience in dealing with crisis situations and continuity planning. Be sure to document the steps you have taken and what you have discovered. Incorporate what you have learned from increased remote working and other solutions into your new standard operating procedures.

For strategic advice and support, contact Grant Thornton on website.enquiries.miltonkeynes@uk.gt.com.

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