Prospective employees are increasingly interested in companies’ environmental performance and larger employers have been proactively promoting their corporate and social responsibility agendas in a bid to attract and retain talented workers.
Ethical considerations now rate as a major factor for prospective recruits, alongside pay, rewards and the working environment, said Robert Wigley-Jones, head of human resources services at Pricewaterhouse-Coopers LLP in Milton Keynes.
Ways that employers can demonstrate their commitment to the environment include schemes to encourage the use of bicycles or public transport to travel to work through salary sacrifice arrangements, or offering cars which run on alternative fuels, as an employee benefit. Some employers also plant a tree for each company car they provide to employees to help offset carbon emissions.
Mr Wigley-Jones (pictured) said: "It is not unusual for employers to be asked questions by prospective employees about their environmental practices and performance. Clearly, this is something that all employers need to consider more so than they have in the past so that they report more transparently on environmental matters.
"A good starting point for employers is to consider what they would say if a prospective employee asked them about the carbon footprint of their business. Would they be able to answer? Those that can respond positively, giving information about how the company is seeking to reduce its environmental impact, are more likely to attract talent."
Leading global businesses have been running recruitment advertising campaigns that promote their approach to protecting the environment.
Mr Wigley-Jones said; "All growing businesses need to consider how they can better communicate their approach to environmental management to ensure they gain a competitive advantage as an employer of choice.The key lies in differentiation and building a strong employer brand. "