The plush office suite will be situated in the spectacular new £27 million Milton Keynes Academy under construction at Leadenhall. The Academy’s specialism is Business and Enterprise and its outstanding facilities will include a high tech Enterprise Hub – where the free company offices will be located.
Academy principal Lorna Caldicott (pictured) said: “It’s important for us to work with the local business community because we want to provide students with an education that is relevant to the needs of local employers. We want students to get the qualifications and skills they need to get a good job.
“We are offering this free office accommodation to show our commitment to supporting the local business community.”
The free office will house three or four people. In return, the company would need to provide the Academy with five hours a week of professional expertise.
Interested businesses will need to provide full details of their company and outline what could be offered to the Academy in return for free office space, which will be available from September 2009. An interview process will then take place.
Mrs Caldicott said: “We feel this is a fantastic opportunity for a local company to save money while also giving something back to the local community.”
To apply, please write to Caroline Raine at The Milton Keynes Academy, 500 Avebury Boulevard, Central Milton Keynes or email
More information about the Academy can be found at