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My dream… Best seller status and a home by the sea

Della Judd

A feature in which business people discuss their motivation, ambition, experience - and themselves. First up is business coach, consultant and just-published author Della Judd.

Business coach and consultant Della Judd worked in senior corporate leadership roles for more than 25 years before setting up her own business three years ago. She has just published her new book Get the Job You Really Want… in a Post-pandemic World. “Too often we choose jobs over health or careers over our families. I know – I did,” she says. “We can be successful in business and have a good life too.”

What was your first job?
A shoe shop assistant as a Saturday girl. My first proper job was as a customer services assistant in the electricity industry.

Why did you choose your particular career?
I don’t think I did choose at first. But I found that I had a skill in customer service and dealing with people.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?
Being promoted to director after a gruelling selection process was pretty intense but I have just published my very first business book and that feels like the real highlight because it is all my own work.

…and the low point?
Being made redundant while I was pregnant. The world has, thankfully, progressed a little now.

What’s the best advice you’ve received in business?
At the start of my career someone said: “Always do the job of the person above you then when an opportunity arises you’ll already be noticed”. I did that and it worked!

Who in business do you respect the most?
I respect anyone who puts themselves out there and tries something different.

What annoys you the most in business?
I hate it when people forget things or don’t deliver. It wastes other people’s time to have to repeat yourself at the start of a meeting and when you don’t deliver, you’re holding up everyone else.

What’s your career ambition?
To help as many people as possible to get the job they really want. I know what it is like to be in a role where you don’t feel aligned so if I can help others achieve that then I will be happy.
If I can make bestseller status on the way then all the better.

…and your life ambition?
To live by the sea. I have a dream to have a place in Whitstable in Kent and then in the winter to go to somewhere warmer.

How do you relax?
I love yoga – it helps me to get back to a calm spot. If it is nice outside, I’ll try to do some gardening.
I say try because my results are a bit hit and miss.

What’s your guilty pleasure?
I love Strictly – all the glitz, glam and inspirational stories when you see the progress. Although I don’t really feel guilty about it…

What’s your most treasured possession?
Interesting question, I don’t go for lots of trinkets and ‘things’ but if I had to rescue an item from a fire, I’d grab my wedding album. We have just celebrated 23 years married so that is worth keeping.

Tell us something you regret.
I regret not looking after my health earlier. I suffered with chronic migraines and burn-out earlier in my career and I kept powering through. I wasted a lot of time being ill.

Tell us a secret about yourself.
I’m very secretive…

What are the first three things on your bucket list?
I’ve just done one of them- to do a rock climbing course.
Another two are to spend the winter in Ibiza and go to the Cheltenham Literary Festival.

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